IJP - Israel Journal of Psychiatry

IJP: Israel J. of Psychiatry | Nr. 3, 2010

Vol. 47, Nr. 3, 2010 | Table of Contents, Israel Journal of psychiatry

Editorial: A Decade of the Israeli Psychiatric Rehabilitation Law David Roe, Max Lachman and Kim T. Mueser p.164

Do Persons with Severe Mental Illness Who Consume the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Basket of Services in Israel Have Better Outcomes than Those Who Do Not?
David Roe, Nomi Werbeloff, and Marc Gelkopf p.166

Promises and Pitfalls on the Road to a Mental Health Reform in Israel Uri Aviram. Commentaries: Howard H. Goldman, Julian Leff, Mordechai Shani, Gaby Shefler. Author′s reply p.171

My Life as a Mental Health Consumer Elliot p.195

Australian Mental Health Consumers’ Contributions to the Evaluation and Improvement of Recovery-oriented Service Provision Sarah L. Marshall, Lindsay G. Oades, and Trevor P. Crowe p.198

Measuring Recovery in Mental Health Services Mike Slade p.206

Applying Stages of Change Models to Recovery from Serious Mental Illness: Contributions and Limitations Larry Davidson, David Roe, Raquel Andres-Hyman, and Priscilla Ridgway p.213

An Examination of Stress and Coping among Adults Diagnosed with Severe Mental Illness Stephanie Robilotta, Ecena Cueto, and Philip T. Yanos p.222

Supervision and the Process of Negotiating Recovery Hanoch Yerushalmi p.232

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